Posts Tagged ‘relationship with daughters’

Your Job Isn’t done when your daughters are adults!

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

One of the items on my bucket list this last year was to speak with my daughters. I was able to get two out of the three of them onstage with me, and even pay them! It was the beginning of a new “partnership” and relationship between us as co-presenters. We got great reviews and it was a load of fun! More than that, it is the beginning of my legacy to them.

What do you have to leave to your daughters? I’m not talking about your wealth, or your property. I’m talking about your talent, your skill, and your accumulated knowledge. What can you leave them that will enable them to take what you have done and make it their own?They might even take it up a notch.

There is no one better prepared to step into your legacy, women, then your daughters. If you have raised them fearlessly, they will be ready to shine when you share with them what you know.

Are you willing to go there?Graphic Illustration of talk with Christie Ward and her daughter