Posts Tagged ‘children controlling their destiny’

First born daughter

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

When my firstborn daughter Erin arrived in 1980, my life as a career college teacher changed dramatically. Our family moved from the city to a small town several states away. I suddenly found myself in a rural setting with a newborn and no family or close friends nearby. This led to lots of time with the new baby. I nurtured a strong desire to raise this child to become a woman of significance. I asked, “How can I ensure she will learn to fearlessly control her own destiny?” My answer was to talk to Erin as if she already was that fearless woman.

Starting in her first hours outside the womb, my husband and I looked straight into her eyes and told her what a wonder she was, how she could become whatever she wanted. We pledged our support and love but not our rule. She would be allowed to decide for herself how to live her life.

Do infants understand our intentions and our messages before they can understand our words? I think so.